Mass Covid 19 update - 9/29

Mass Covid 19 update.
Pretty horrible news to report today, especially on the hospitalization front.
Cases ticked up, to 450, and they did 14,124 tests, so the Positive Test Rate ticked back up to 3.2%.
Deaths ticked down, which is the only bright spot on the day, to eight.
Total Confirmed Cases: 129,243
Total Confirmed Deaths: 9,210
Twenty six more people went into the hospital today and twenty two more went into the ICU. This shoots those numbers up to 444 and 107, respectively. This is very bad. We haven't had ICU cases over 100 since June. You got to go back to July the last time we had this many people in the hospital. Hospitalizations are bad. About half the people who are hospitalized for Covid wind up dying from it. Grim stuff.


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