Mass Covid 19 update - 10/18

Mass Covid 19 update.
Sorry this is late. My new job's got me very busy.
This is for Monday, and includes the whole weekend.
And it is also my FIVE HUNDREDTH DAY of doing these reports, every day that they publish data. It's been a grind, but I've gotten a lot of good feedback and encouragement to continue, so I have persisted.
Cases stayed pretty low, at 2,815 over three days, which is only 938 per day. That is lower than it's been since the beginning of August. They did 202,118 tests, so the Positive Test Rate stayed glued at 1.4%.
Deaths dropped down too, to ten for the whole weekend, which is only three a day.
Total Confirmed Cases: 775,525
Total Confirmed Deaths: 18,459
Mixed news in the hospitals. Eighteen more people went into the hospital but two got out of the ICU. That brings those numbers to 569 and 138, respectively


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