Mass Covid 19 update - 1/26

Mass Covid 19 update.
More relatively good news. Cases stayed low and people are getting out of the hospital.
Cases came in at 7,918, which is slightly higher than yesterday but relatively low given the past few weeks. They did 118,076 tests, so the Positive Test Rate dropped all the way down to 6.7%. You got to go back over a month to get a number that low.
Deaths dropped down a little, but were still high at eighty.
Total Confirmed Cases: 1,452,844
Total Confirmed Deaths: 21,197
More people getting out of the hospitals, but we had some backsliding in the ICU. Seventy one people got out of the hospital but six more went into the ICU. That brings those numbers to 2,617 and 405, respectively. We're down 606 patients in the past two weeks, so that's a good trend. Things were getting dicey there for a while.


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